Seeing Stories

Recovering Landscape Narrative in Urban and Rural Europe

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Beco do Loureiro: The gathering of enchanted moors

Beautiful and irresistible enchanted moors still dwell under these fountains, cry under these spouts, sing under these floors. Half women half snake, they are magical maidens that bathe and stare and comb their hair with golden combs. They guard the treasures of the land. They bear fruits, milk, and honey. They have deep, black eyes. They wait. It is said that once a year the enchanted moors gather under a fountain to bathe, share songs, tell stories, and shed their skin. They travel long distances with their copper, silver and golden watersheds and gather round. So if ever you are walking through Alfama and cross a fountain, please close your eyes and listen. You might be lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time.

enchanted moors



Seeing Stories is ending as a project. But through the project we have met many individuals and organisations who want to share good practice and creative skills. So we are forming an international network called Stories in Place. The network is open to all those who through their work, art or volunteering wish to strengthen the connections between people and place through storytelling. Our aim is to further strengthen international friendship and collaboration.

If you would like to be part of Stories in Place please contact Donald Smith, Project Manager of Seeing Stories, and Director of the Scottish International Storytelling Festival, on